Land surface | 163,820 km2 (63,037sq miles) |
Inhabitants | 579,633 (Juli 2015) |
Capital | Paramaribo |
Demographics | Hindustani, Creole, Javanese, Maroons, Indigenous, Chinese, Lebanese, European |
Languages | Dutch, Sranang Tongo, Sarnami Hindi and Javanese. English is widely understood and spoken in hotels and stores and also the second language in the trade industry. |
Religion | Hinduism, Islam, Roman Catholic, Reformed Congregation, Morevians, Judism and Indigenous beliefs (wintie and sjamanism). |
Climate | Suriname has a tropical climate, which according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification can be divided into three different types. The northern half of Suriname has a tropical rainforest climate (type Af). The southern half, with the exception of the Kayser Mountains, the Wilhelmina Mountains and the Orange Mountains, has a tropical monsoon climate (type Am). The mountain areas in the south of Suriname have a tropical savanna climate (type Aw): |
| Minor rainy season – December, January |
| Minor dry season – February, March, April |
| Major rainy season – May till mid Augustus |
| Major dry season – mid Augustus till November |
Temperature | Between 18°C and 35°C. Average temperature is 28°C (82.4° F) |
Currency | Since January 1st, 2004 the Suriname Dollar (SRD) was introduced as official currenct. US Dollars (US$) and Euro (€) are also accepted. |
Country code | 597 |
Time Zone | UTC – 3 |
National Holidays | Fixed holidays |
| 01 January (New Year’s Day) |
| 01 May (Labor Day) |
| 01 July (Emancipation Day) |
| 09 Augustus (Indigenous Day) |
| 10 October (Maroon Day) |
| 25 November (Independence) |
| 25 December (1st Christmas) |
| 26 December (2nd Christmas) |
| Variable holidays (2022) |
| 01 February (Chinese New Year) |
| 18 March (Phagwa/ Holi) |
| 15 April (Good Friday) |
| 17 April (1st Easter) |
| 18 April (2nd Easter) |
| 02 May (Idul Fitr) |
| 09 July (Idul Adha) |
| 24 October (Divali) |